via MediaPost
While tablet demand is uneven, Flurry Analytics recently released a report that shows current owners rely on them at all hours of the day.
MediaPost relays that morning, mid-afternoon, mid-evening, and late night are the peak usage times for young people, while adults tend to use productivity apps after prime-time TV hours.
“This finding of iPad pervasiveness is not surprising for teens and college students. However, we were quite surprised at the data on working adults – we expected significant let-up in tablet usage during work hours and heavier usage around traditional prime time,” said Flurry CEO Simon Khalaf in the report.
He said that adults’ reluctance to use tablets as PC replacements during the work day is due to “the lack of a keyboard, IT not sanctioning the tablet as a corporate device, and Microsoft not releasing Office on the iPad till about a month ago.”
Still, Khalaf said he expects more employees to use tablets during the day as more young people enter the workforce.
To read more about Flurry’s new study on tablet owners’ daily use, visit MediaPost.