via Ad Week
Time Inc.’s Fortune – which recently split online from CNNMoney.com – has named Alan Murray, formerly of the Pew Research Center and The Wall Street Journal, its new editor. Murray, who will succeed Andy Serwer, was recently interviewed by Ad Week, and he made it clear during the conversation that Fortune‘s focus will be on the magazine’s digital presence.
Here are some excerpts, as told to Emma Bazilian.
On why he returned to publishing with Fortune: It’s … in this somewhat peculiar position where it never had the opportunity to develop an effective digital presence because of the relationship with CNNMoney.com, so you have a situation where you have a great brand that needs help on the digital front and that’s an exciting challenge for me. The other thing is I love the conferences.
On opportunities for digital growth: First of all, we know that both social and mobile are where an awful lot of the reading is done today, so making sure that we’re taking full advantage of those platforms is very important, and that focus is important. Content focus is where I’ll be spending most of my time in the early days.
To read more of new Fortune mag editor Alan Murray’s interview, visit Ad Week.