via TechCrunch
With the popularity of mobile, it’s not surprising that TechCrunch is reporting that time spent in app has increased. This data comes from Localytics, and according to the article, “the average time people spend in their apps is up by 21% year-over-year, with music, health and fitness, and social apps showing the largest increases.”
Localytics’ data is pretty robust, including 28,000 applications that were installed over 1.5 billion devices.
Some additional data of interest from the report includes app openings per month and session lengths. “Users are opening up an app on average 11.5 times per month, up from 9.4 a year ago, while app session lengths remain constant at 5.7 minutes.”
It seems that app users aren’t necessarily buying every new app that they see, but they are spending time with the apps they own and enjoy.
Read more about time spent in apps at TechCrunch.