Mobile Ad Content Users Engage With

via eMarketer

via eMarketer

Mobile devices have changed the way consumers shop. There is the chance to do more research easily, and new research is showing what mobile users do before making purchases.

According to an article from eMarketer, which cites data from Ninth Decimal. “The research found that 81% of US mobile users turned to their devices to research retail items at home or work—meaning before heading to a brick-and-mortar—while 19% engaged with mobile during a shopping trip.”

Since many shoppers are researching online before ever going into a physical store, there are some types of mobile ads that are more popular than others. For instance, 60 percent of mobile device users are likely to respond to promotions that include discounts and sales. This was the highest among respondents. “Style tips” was at the bottom of the list.

Read more about information mobile ad users respond to at eMarketer. 




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