Some rockstar publishers would like a word with you …
The secrets shared at Mequoda’s Digital Publishing & Marketing Intensive have created publishing millionaires. Would you like to be one of them?
I can’t promise you it’s easy, but it’s far more achievable than you imagine. That’s because the Intensive teaches a complete, proven system for publishing success. More than just a few random strategies, the Mequoda Method covers every aspect of your business:
- Content
- Audience
- Revenue
- Organization
- Technology
- Measurement
- Economics
Mastering all of these has worked for every publisher who executes the entire plan.
Allow these publishers to tell you about it:
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“We’ve used the Mequoda Method to build the world’s largest Spanish-language health care website.” Carl Kravetz Publisher & Executive Director Vida y Salud |
Does this work for ad-supported businesses or only paid content?
This website is entirely advertising-based. Of course that means traffic is the company’s #1 concern. So how are they doing? Vida y Salud launched in 2009 after attending an Intensive in 2008. Using the Mequoda Method, the site hit its 1 millionth unique visitor in under 10 months.
That’s not all. The following year, the company was honored by Mequoda as the winner of our Rocket Award for website growth during the past year. The winning number? 715% growth. In one year.
“We’ve used the Mequoda Method to sell thousands of books, videos, and subscriptions.” Charlie Spahr Executive Director American Ceramics Society |
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Do you have a legacy publication that’s struggling in the digital age?
The American Ceramic Society did. It may be a nonprofit organization, but its operators needed to do something about stagnant circulation and revenues in order to continue their educational mission.
After learning the Mequoda Method in 2005, the organization embraced the method and delivered these statistics since then:
- Grew revenues from $2 million to $3.5 million
- Grew Google visibility from 0% to 26%
- Expanded product line from 20 products to more than 100
- 50,000 videos sold
- 125,000 registered website users
- 1.5 million annual unique visitors to its portal
- 500 new email addresses every week
- Tablet editions of Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated with 1,200 subscribers in just the first four months
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“The team I worked with at Interweave successfully transitioned a leading print enthusiast media business into the digital age. The folks at Mequoda were an important part of this team and the company’s most valued strategic advisor. We could not have done it without them.” Clay Hall Former CEO Interweave |
Are you concerned about your exit strategy?
The reason Clay Hall is the former CEO at Interweave is because after mastering and leveraging the Mequoda Method, he sold the company to media giant F + W just seven years after its founding – delivering big growth to F + W’s revenues.
Please understand: These publishers are just like you. They don’t have unlimited resources, or brands that are household name, or a direct line to a higher power. Instead, they all leveraged their niche expertise and the method we teach in the Intensive to become the publishing rock stars they are today.
And it all starts with the Intensive.
Why not download our program guide right now, and register for the next Intensive that takes place in just a few weeks? I urge you to take care of this immediately, though, because we strictly limit the number of attendees in order to ensure an intimate, question-friendly environment with a low instructor-attendee ratio.
I’m looking forward to meeting you and starting you on your journey to making millions with the Mequoda Method.