via Digiday
Once a bold innovation, the “hamburger menu” style of site navigation is now a popular ingredient for publishers on the web, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still a subject for debate.
Digiday reports that while some publishers celebrate the style’s minimalist brilliance, others dismiss it as a passing – and ineffective – fad.
Slate, for its part, positions itself among the former – along with Quartz, Upworthy, Time, and NBCNews.
“We knew that people are coming into the site through desktop at one point and mobile at another,” Dan Check, the digital magazine’s Tech VP, told Digiday. Slate used the model in its recent redesign. “We wanted to make sure that there was some sort of consistent navigation experience between the two.”
The consensus seems to be that the style of content determines whether the hamburger menu will work for your site, but the fascinating back-and-forth to reach that consensus in Digiday‘s story is definitely worth a read.
To read more about how publishers are handling the hamburger menu, visit Digiday.