Food Gardening Network, publisher of Food Gardening Magazine, has released their February 2022 issue, featuring their first issue dedicated to hydroponic gardening, including reviews of popular systems like Aerogarden, Gardyn, Hamama, and more. Plus, they share how to grow new food from scraps using just water.
Featuring three new videos revealing the best hydroponic methods, systems, projects, and even a recipe for using microgreens, the February issue of Food Gardening Magazine teaches gardeners how to grow gardens all winter without soil or the need for natural sunlight.
Senior Editor Amanda MacArthur says, “There’s no need to trigger seasonal depression in the winter months when you have a hydroponic garden. The winter is just the beginning of a whole new growing season that few people utilize because they think it’s too difficult!”
In Hydroponics for Beginners: 5 Systems for Growing Greens and Veggies, readers will venture into a 30-day video journey of growing food hydroponically, from sprouts and microgreens to aquaponic fish tanks, small countertop herb gardens, and big vertical lettuce and veggie gardens. Through video, Senior Editor Amanda MacArthur takes readers on a trip through the growth cycle of each method and system, elaborating on the setup, maintenance, and success of popular systems.
In Regrowing Green Onions, Carrot Greens, and Celery in Water, MacArthur takes readers on a visual tour of re-growing three of the most re-growable vegetables and herbs and talks about propagating garden herbs in water. The tutorial proves that it’s not only easy, but anybody can do it!
In a new how-to recipe video, MacArthur shows how to make a delicious Burrata and Microgreens Salad with Orange Vinaigrette. Oranges are one of the featured fruits in Food Gardening Magazine in February, so MacArthur created a delicious sweet and savory salad using homegrown microgreens, and a juicy sweet orange vinaigrette.
As a bonus, Food Gardening Magazine also reminds gardeners that February is the time to get your seeds, equipment, and tools before stores and online outlets sell out, in 6 Essential Gardening Tools for Beginners to Buy in February. Much like seeds, gardening tools sell out fast in the spring. Add supply-chain issues to the mix and you could be hurting for essential tools like new tomato cages this year if you don’t get them now. In this article and video, MacArthur describes these and a few other key items you should grab before it’s too late.
The February issue of Food Gardening Magazine also includes in-depth articles about oranges, tomatoes, and basil. To help guide you about these three foods, subscribers get instant access to the premium collections themselves, too. Be first to read these Collection Close-Ups, to get a head start on how to grow these foods:
In How to Grow an Orange Tree in Your Yard, readers will learn how to grow orange trees at home under the conditions they’re meant for, in USDA hardiness zones 8 through 11. The article answers questions about growing in flood zones and more.
In The Sweetest Tomatoes to Plant, readers will learn taste is subjective, and elements like soil and nutrients play a big part. This article provides a list of the sweetest tomatoes beloved by the FGN team, perfect for salads and sandwiches.
In 5 Types of Basil Gardeners and Chefs Love, readers will discover that basil is not a one-size-fits-all herb. Some types of basil give off better flavors when they’re cooked, while some are better added in just before serving a meal. There’s color and aroma to consider, too! Home chefs who want to know the best basil to cook with different dishes and cuisine will find it in this article.
The February issue of Food Gardening Magazine offers readers four feature articles, four accompanying videos, and three Collection Close-Ups spotlighting oranges, tomatoes, and basil. These collections offer comprehensive, in-depth information about a single fruit, herb, or vegetable, from starting seeds to dealing with pests and diseases and from nutrition facts to delicious recipes.
View the February 2022 issue of Food Gardening Magazine now.
About Food Gardening Network: Food Gardening Network was founded by home food gardeners and for home food gardeners—the mission is to serve gardeners with tips, tools, advice, and recipes for growing and enjoying good food at home. During the Covid-19 pandemic that began in 2020, it became apparent that home food gardening would grow beyond a hobby for many home gardeners. Food Gardening Network launched in January of 2021 as an all-encompassing resource for gardeners of all skill levels, with in-depth articles on planning, planting, maintaining, and harvesting home garden crops. Food Gardening Network also includes easy-to-prepare recipes so home gardeners can enjoy the fruits of their labors in delicious, creative ways.
Contact: To request complimentary press access to Food Gardening Network, or to speak with a member of our team, please contact Christy Page at Christy@Mequoda.com or (617) 217-2559. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest on @FoodGardeningNW and on Facebook @FoodGardeningNetwork