via the Nieman Journalism Lab
Business executives report getting 56% of their industry-specific news from email newsletters, while 61% of them get their news via mobile, according to a survey administered by Quartz. The survey included 940 respondents.
Harvard’s Nieman Journalism Lab reports that executives also say that when they share information with colleagues, it’s via email 80% of the time (split evenly between mobile and desktop) – well ahead of social media channels.
“Quartz editor-in-chief Kevin Delaney said the survey’s data on mobile and social consumption habits back up the ideas that helped start Quartz,” Justin Ellis writes. “Two years ago when the site launched, building something designed first for smaller screens and distribution through social media invited some skepticism … . ‘It definitely deepens our conviction on the use of mobile, sharing, and email newsletters by global business executives,’ Delaney said.”
To read more about the Quartz survey, visit the Nieman Journalism Lab.