via Folio:
It’s a great question, one publishers are frantically trying to figure out. But thanks to the social media giant’s latest Newsfeed algorithm, it’s more difficult than ever to unlock the secret to more fans, likes, and activity on your Facebook page.
We think we’ve figured it out. But Folio:, for its part, thinks they figured it out too. The magazine recalls that Facebook’s December announcement included this portentous quote: “People prefer links to high quality articles about current events, their favorite sports team or shared interests.”
Discover‘s content – “image-centric and sharable … think science, epicurean and outdoors magazines … timely, targeted, newsy and often features original reporting,” as Folio: describes it – fits nicely in this groove, which helps explain their recent rush of success.
“If what’s being elevated is not just sharable content – like the BuzzFeeds and Upworthys, and what we do sometimes too – but you’ll also be bumped up for news value, then that’s great for us,” Discover Associate Editor Lisa Raffensperger told Folio:.
But what about other enthusiast publishers? American Patchwork & Quilting launched a direct outreach effort that saw them working with artists and retailers on Facebook. The content-sharing and interaction helped the magazine quadruple its Facebook audience.
To read more about Discover and other enthusiast publishers on Facebook, visit Folio:. Read our take on it, too.