via Huffington Post
Native advertising can be problematic for some, but other publishers are devising strategies to deal with native, reports Digiday.
The Huffington Post has dealt with native advertising by developing sections for brands, including Johnson & Johnson, Chipotle, and NRG Energy.
The article highlights Cisco’s Impact X channel, which “gets 1.5 million hits a month and promotes content Cisco wants to be associated with.”
The staff at Slate focuses on the metrics behind the ads they offer. They follow the data on headlines, targeting, creative rotation and design, and make changes when applicable. The company uses the third-party Polar platform, which allows them the ability to edit ads.
Forbes utilizes an ad platform that promotes the proper real estate. The platform is called BrandVoice, and it uses widgets in the left rail on articles. “Those widgets are synched to run when the advertiser’s BrandVoice content is getting its home-page promotional turn,” reports Digiday.
Read more about how digital publishers approach native advertising, on Digiday.