via The Players’ Tribune
Digital publishing is so popular, so accessible right now that even baseball greats are getting involved. Derek Jeter, the longtime shortstop for the New York Yankees, has wrapped up his baseball career and is now getting involved with digital publishing.
The Players’ Tribune is the digital publication the future Hall-of-Fame player has founded. The site is getting under way and doesn’t currently have a lot of content. The first post was commentary from Jeter discussing the goals behind The Players’ Tribune. The site is also featuring Russell Wilson, the quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks, as a senior editor.
Folio wrote about The Players’ Tribune last week. “The current site iteration looks similar to Medium, and the concept itself is somewhat similar, as well. That is, like Medium, The Player’s Tribune will be a user-generated storytelling platform. And given Jeter’s clout, it’s likely that high-profile athletes will make up the roster of contributors.”
Read more about the launch of The Players’ Tribune at Folio.