via eMarketer
Conversant has released a report stating a resounding 59 percent of marketing and agency executives say that cross-device advertising is a priority for them in 2014, a percentage that fell just two points behind video.
“But to integrate cross-device advertising into their ad mix, industry professionals need to know what they’re dealing with, and more recent polling conducted by Bovitz for Conversant found respondents looking to improve their knowledge about the topic this year,” according to eMarketer. “Cross-device advertising was the top advertising trend industry professionals were hoping to learn more about in 2014, cited by seven in 10 U.S. agency media professionals in the survey.”
Social came in last as both a priority and a topic of interest, eMarketer reports, the latter likely because respondents have had more time to familiarize themselves with the methodology.
To read more about advertisers’ interest in cross-device advertising, visit eMarketer.