via The Enthusiast Network
The more content you publish typically has an effect on the amount of website traffic you garner, right? We’ve seen website traffic grow with the more optimized content published, and now we’re seeing other publishers experience this kind of growth, too.
TEN: The Enthusiast Network, is utilizing “supersites”, which feature a collection of content from what were previously independent brands. The latest release puts together content from Super Street, European Car, Honda Tuning, and Import Tuner under one website and brand name, known as the Super Street Network.
Folio reports on this story. “Editorially, the sites continue to run similarly to how they had been prior to the supersites, but, operating at four or five times the scale, there are obvious synergies in play. TEN has designated brand managers to handle that overlap and to optimize distribution by monitoring trends in real time.”
Read more about TEN’s supersites at Folio.