Most of our clients have a list of 100 or more articles that drive the majority of their website traffic, although some larger sites have 300. These posts, which we call blockbusters, aren’t just popular, they’re your front line. Some of our clients see more than 75% of new visitors enter through their blockbuster posts. That makes them valuable real estate and an important first impression.
The posts that drive the most traffic to your website are like the MVPs of your content. They’re the Tom Brady’s in your fantasy football team. It doesn’t matter if they were published five years ago, or just yesterday, if they are driving traffic on a regular basis they should be considered a good investment of your time and energy to keep them performing. Below are some tips for doing just that.
First, create a list of your blockbuster posts. One of your data analysts should be able to extract a list of the top 100 posts that drive traffic to your website.
Then follow these three strategic steps:
1. Update your blockbuster posts regularly, at least every six months. By updating your blockbusters, you’re making sure that your most trafficked pages are always relevant and up to date. You’ll reduce the bounce rate on these articles simply by removing antiquated language and years that make it immediately apparent the content is older.
2. Re-promote your blockbuster posts. From experience we can tell you that implementing the 12x12x12 social media strategy on old blockbuster posts can bring them back to page one when they’ve fallen to page two or three. And when a post is sending thousands of visitors to your site per month, you can’t afford to let them slip onto page two and three for long!
3. Review blockbuster posts for conversion architecture. Look at the #1 post on your site. Does it have calls to action? Is there conversion architecture, links and language in the post that would convert visitors into email subscribers or buyers? Or does it just end, leaving the user with nothing to do but close the window?
When you become a Mequoda Gold Member, you begin a transformational journey to multiplatform publishing success with your own custom content management and marketing system. Part of this system is blockbuster management, which includes a formulated approach to all the above, plus a best-practice SEO scorecard for all of your blockbuster posts.
Based on the success we’ve seen with clients who follow our blockbuster scorecard strictly, we’ve decided to open up the opportunity for our Gold Members to take advantage of our blockbuster management services. If you’re already on the verge of contacting us about becoming a Gold Member and would like to outsource blockbuster management, schedule a 30-minute call with a member of our marketing services team to ask your most pressing questions.