Developers can once again use Flash to create iPhone apps
Apple recently released new rules and guidelines for their App Store. These rules are designed to let developers know what is required of their apps to be accepted into the App Store. According to the website, the App Store Review Guidelines “provide rules and examples across a range of iOS development topics, including user interface design, functionality, content, and the use of specific technologies”.
This announcement seems to be positive for developers and Adobe, even though Apple has been criticized in the past for being strict and unfair with their acceptance policy when it comes to apps.
Even though restrictions have been lifted from the App Store Review Guidelines, there aren’t any plans to allow Flash inside a browser on an iOS device. Regardless, developers can now rejoice that they can use Flash to create iPhone apps, be supported by Adobe and have their apps accepted by Apple.
For more on this, check out these articles from Mashable: What Apple’s Guideline Changes Mean for Developers and Adobe Responds to Apple’s New Rules.