Amazon to Pay Authors & Publishers 70 percent… with Conditions

New Media Trends: New information released on how to make more royalties from Kindle publishing

Starting at the end of June 2010, Amazon will offer an option for authors and publishers to use a new Kindle Digital Text Platform (DTP) program that will pay them 70 percent of the royalties on their publications sold.

This new program comes with a set of requirements publishers must follow. One of which is the requirement to set the list price of a publication between $2.99 and $9.99.

Our Kindle Publishing Competition Heats Up complimentary white paper discusses some of the pros and cons of the Kindle publishing platform. One of the cons is that Kindle’s current platform only pays authors and publishers 30 percent of royalties on their publications sold.


Some believe that Amazon is releasing this new royalty option to prepare for the imminent release of Apple’s Tablet. It appears that if publishers go through the app store and use in-app purchasing, the publishers will receive the same 70-30 percent split in royalty revenue.

The requirements behind the new Kindle platform might also be in preparation as Apple’s Tablet strategy is currently unknown. If needed, Amazon can change their requirements after seeing what the competition is doing.

“Will periodical publishers be the next to benefit as the Kindle publishing platform gets more competition?” Don Nicholas posed this question after reading Amazon’s press release. What do you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

To read the complete press release and see the entire list of requirements for the new Kindle publishing option, click here.


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