Amanda Wolfe, via MediaShepherd
With Fitness reaching 2 million fans on Facebook in July – after just reaching 1 million in January – Digital Director Amanda Wolfe sat down with MediaShepherd to discuss the magazine’s strategy.
Wolfe talked about what has worked and what hasn’t, while also offering advice and commenting on whether the social media social success has translated to website traffic. Here are some excerpts, as told to Noelle Skodzinski.
On what has worked: “Obviously delivering quality content is No. 1. But delivering that content at a higher frequency really worked very well for us. And we have a brand and a fan base that can support that higher frequency. So we actually post 10 to 15 Facebook posts a day. … We also do a mix of post types, like every brand probably does, but the link post with a photo has become really effective for us. We’re also really conscious of making sure that the content that we’re pointing to is optimized for mobile, because so many people are interacting with Facebook on their mobile phones.”
On what hasn’t worked: “We did, at some point, try to do more posts without images – status-update type posts – and we still do some of those, like we do a ‘morning motivation’ quote that people love. But we tried to do more of those, and they weren’t driving as much engagement or traffic, so we kind of dialed back on those.”
On what she would tell other digital directors: “I think that knowing your fans and your brand, and how your goals overlay on that is really important. And that’s a really broad statement. I’ve done Facebook strategies for different brands over the course of my career now – and every strategy isn’t right for every brand, especially based on what your individual brand assets are. So I’d say focus on optimizing for whatever best fits your brand, and your audience and your assets, and your goals.”
On converting Facebook fans into website traffic: “We like to have a healthy mix of natural search, social, direct, newsletters. All these things change so fast, so we don’t necessarily want to be too reliant on any one of them – you know, have all of our eggs in one basket – but social media is obviously really important for a brand like Fitness. So, with some of the algorithm changes over the last year, the last six months, we’ve definitely seen social make up a bigger piece of that referral traffic pie. So that’s something that we’re really happy about because a lot of brands have seen engagement go down a little bit on Facebook, so we’re happy to see that some of that is actually moving toward the site, which is always good.”
To read more about Amanda Wolfe on Fitness Magazine’s Facebook success, visit MediaShepherd.