What You Need for Successful Email Campaigns

Email marketing campaigns fall into an interesting category for online publishers.

On one hand, it focuses on great quality content and intriguing headlines, which is familiar to successful publishers.

On the other hand, there are technicalities that must be faced before, during and after email campaigns are initiated. For instance, the process of email whitelisting needs to happen prior to ever sending any emails. And of course, a well-designed email template has to be created that successfully presents content and promotional products.


You also need to understand how you can implement content marketing practices in your email endeavors. A look at your assets can help define how you will drive content, commerce and community.

Then there is the relationship building that is required to keep your email subscribers on your list. So many separate actions need to be taken to assure a degree of success with your email campaigns.

If you need help analyzing your assets and what steps should be taken for digital publishing success, contact Kim Mateus via email or by phone at 401-293-0401 for information on our consulting services.


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