Our top-read digital magazine publishing posts of last year show an interest in creating, marketing, and monetizing digital magazines and newsletters
In 2016, publishers couldn’t stop talking about the possibilities of digital magazines. After learning that digital magazines are a profitable content business model they’re actively seeking new ways to create new magazines, market them, and make the most of their content assets. Below are the top 10 most-read posts about digital magazine and newsletter publishing on the Mequoda Daily from 2016.
1. Best Digital Magazine Publishing Software You Can Use to Launch Your Digital Magazine
Publishers have been trying digital magazine publishing software during the last few years in hopes of creating the best digital products for their audiences. And like everything else in digital magazine land, digital magazine software has evolved at light speed. And so has its pricing.
2. The Kind of Apps People Want: How to Get a 5-Star Rating on Your Magazine Gadget App
The kind of apps people want make life easier and more fun. Free, quality content with a smoothly-functioning interface is the key.
3. Digital Magazine Marketing: 6 Ways to Promote your Digital Magazine
If you’re making plans for your own digital publication, it behooves you to also plan how to make money from it with strategic digital magazine marketing.
4. 10 Digital Publishing Tips and Strategies for Magazine Publishers
Six and a half years after the advent of the tablet, strategies for successful digital magazine publishing are starting to sort themselves out and deliver measurable results. At Mequoda, we’re all about documenting these things so digital publishers don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Here are 10 things you must do if you want to join the ranks of millionaire publishers … a goal we think is worthy of all digital publishers today.
5. Creating Digital Magazines: Four Ways to Monetize Your Efforts With a Free Archive
Creating digital magazines with a future-proof publishing strategy has never been harder. The magazine industry is at the beginning of a Renaissance. Digital magazines are the hot topic of industry events, digital magazine software platforms abound, and massive retail partners including Apple, Amazon, and Google are seducing magazine publishers with their siren songs.
6. 8 Ways to Sell Digital Magazine Subscriptions
It’s amazing to look back to just a year or so ago, when digital magazines were still something of a novelty. Today, it’s a given that print publishers will soon create a digital version of their product if they haven’t already. Here’s how to sell digital magazines as demand for many platforms rise.
7. The Best Digital Magazine Examples and Why We Love Them
These four exemplary digital magazine examples demonstrate best practices in design, business models and pricing.
8. 5 Ways Digital Magazines Generate Additional Publisher Revenue
Digital magazines not only make content more accessible; they offer additional ways to generate revenue. Here are five options for generating magazine revenue that you may not have considered.
9. 6 Paid Newsletter Best Practices for the Digital Age
These days, when people talk about newsletter best practices, they’re usually referring to free email newsletters, used as a marketing tool to drive inbound traffic to websites. But because some of us are old-time journalists here at Mequoda, we also think fondly of paid newsletters, a classic journalistic form that survives today in the digital era through newsletter websites.
10. 14 Reports About Digital Magazine Publishing You Should Bookmark
We often hear about predictions for digital magazines; how they will grow, the revenue generation expected throughout the industry and the time frames associated with these numbers. Here’s what your digital magazine competitors read when you’re not looking.