The top five results from our survey on creating the perfect digital magazine
Yesterday, at the Mequoda Summit West 2011, we discussed the results from our survey on creating the perfect digital magazine.
As our regular readers probably remember, we asked for your input on the nine characteristics Don Nicholas, Executive Director of Mequoda Group, outlined in a post earlier this year.
We had over 50 responses from industry members on this survey and the data helped us list what are thought to be the most important characteristics of digital magazines. Here are the top five results:
‘Extremely Important’ Part of a Digital Magazine #1: Magazines are Searchable
The user wants to be able to revisit certain information from past issues, especially when that content becomes even more relevant to them. For instance, if a cooking magazine highlighted a new frying pan, and the user was suddenly in the market for a new frying pan, the goal is perfectly aligned with the past content. A searchable digital magazine will allow the user to find this content easily.
‘Extremely Important’ Part of a Digital Magazine #2: Magazines are Portable
Magazine readers can bring their favorite issues with them wherever they choose. With tablet devices, digital magazines can be as portable as their print counterparts.
‘Extremely Important’ Part of a Digital Magazine #3: Magazines are Cohesive
Some of the most interesting magazine issues include content that is connected and has been curated by knowledgeable editors. Doing so makes for an interesting read, and an issue that is filled with compatible subject matter.
‘Extremely Important’ Part of a Digital Magazine #4: Magazines are Universal
The digital environment allows for multiplatform experiences. To present digital magazines properly, issues should be available on any platform that delivers editorial content and colored images. Currently, this means digital magazines should be available through tablets, laptops and tablets.
‘Extremely Important’ Part of a Digital Magazine #5: Magazines are Periodic
A consistent publishing schedule that resonates with your audience by allowing them to consume content when expected and desired will create customer satisfaction while increasing retention rates.
Going forward, digital magazines will continue to evolve. Commonalities within the design and use of digital magazines will help serve consumers better.
What do you think are necessary requirements of digital magazines? Even though our survey is complete, we’d still love to hear your thoughts, as they are important to our industry.