Digital magazine publishing is a constantly developing field. Nowadays, there is new space for ads, new download speeds for readers, and greater outreach than ever before. Publishers need to stay on the ball if they’re going to take advantage of all the digital world has to offer.
Not sure where to start if you want to keep your digital magazine competitive? Digital magazine publishing is and continues to be the current and next frontier, with unlimited revenue stream options coming from creative use and integration of text, images, video, social content, native advertising and so much more. The following facts and figures will provide insight into what’s happening and what’s possible, and should leave little doubt about jumping on the proverbial digital bandwagon.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #1
As of the 2021 Magazine Media Factbook release, “Ninety percent of Americans under 25 read print and digital versions of magazines – and 63 percent of millennials (Americans aged 25 to 40) say that, even in the digital age, they love the touch and feel of a printed magazine.” Magazine reach has even exceeded that of television, particularly with women in the tech industry.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #2
Smartphones seem to be a permanent fixture in every reader’s day-to-day life. As of April 2021, Pew Research Center reports that over 97 percent of United States residents own some kind of cellphone, and 85 percent of the same population report owning smartphones.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #3
Digital magazine readership is consistently on the rise. According to a Statista report, 228.7 million United States residents read magazines either on their cellphones, computers, or via print copies habitually. This number represents the most significant readership since Statistica’s studies began.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #4
Data Reportal reports that, as of 2021, 4.72 billion people boast access to the Internet. Sixty percent of the world’s population has access to a vast array of information daily, and it seems that said number is still rising. With more effective connectivity comes more opportunities for your digital magazine to reach unfound audiences—and potential subscribers.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #5
Statistica takes Internet-based research one step further. While 4.72 billion people have access to the Internet, 90 percent of users access their favorite forms of content via their mobile devices. That means magazines that have converted their content to suit cellphone readership have a better chance of connecting with new audiences than those restricting their content to tablet or app formatting.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #6
Speaking of cellphone usage: 5G is on the rise. 5G, or fifth-generation wireless connectivity, now powers individual IoTs and cellphones around the world. It’s been the standard for broadband cellular networks since 2019.
This new network allows cellphone users to connect to content faster, download material at higher rates, and retain their Internet access with greater ease. eMarketer reports that as of early 2021, 600 million people worldwide have access to 5G connections.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #7
The COVID-19 pandemic has radically transformed the way people interact with the Internet. While readers began to spend more time online, a significant percentage of the population had already spent upwards of five hours a day consuming digital content. As of 2020, that number had risen to nearly eight hours of screen time per day, according to an eMarketer release.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #8
The Association of Magazine Media took its digital magazine research one step further in light of the pandemic. Younger audiences returned to digital magazines during the height of 2020, with 27 percent of digital magazine readers reporting to be between 18 and 24.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #9
The diverse nature of digital magazine readership only seems to be growing with time. As of 2020, the Association of Magazine Media reports that digital magazine readership demographics are as diverse as ever. Digital magazines reach between 86 and 93 percent of all white, African American, Asian American, Hispanic, and LGBT+ adults.
Digital Magazine Publishing Fact #10
Despite the prevalence of social media in the digital world, digital magazines still have a foothold with their dedicated readership. MPA confirms that readers of all age groups are more interested in reading content released by magazines than in content shared via podcasts, movies, or in newspapers.
Advice for Your Digital Magazine Publishing Ambitions
In a world that’s constantly advancing technologically, it’s challenging to know what new tricks can keep a digital magazine ahead of the pack. Technological literacy is now an essential skill in the magazine publishing industry. Without it, publishers risk connecting with a significant chunk of an audience that’s clamoring for content.
When in doubt, paid magazine subscription websites keep digital magazines competitive. While social media can direct readers towards individual pieces of content, magazine subscriptions generate consistent readership and let publishers stay in the game.
Are you looking for new ways to reinvigorate your digital magazine publishing sales? To learn more about changes in the world of digital marketing, subscribe to Mequoda Pro. Comment to let us know how you’ve kept your magazine up to date this year.