5 Tools for Spreading Digital Magazine Content

One of the big questions I often hear about digital publishing is the associated price: should content be free or should it have a premium price tag?

The answer to this depends on many factors including the size of your audience, the traffic you can generate and the content you are providing.

If advertising is a big part of your revenue model, and you have the ability to offer high-quality ads within your digital content, the argument could be made for offering free digital magazine or digital newspaper content; especially if you have high traffic numbers. At this juncture, one-off digital products could be sold as an additional revenue-generating stream.


If you decide to sell the bulk of your digital magazine content, you have a few retail partners that can help you sell your products to larger audiences. Some of these include:

-Apple Newsstand

-Kindle Newsstand

-Nook Newsstand


-Google Currents

As the tablet revolution continues and millions of tablets are sold, new opportunities await digital publishers, digital advertisers and consumers alike.

Are you selling digital products through any of these retail partners? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below.


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