We often hear about predictions for digital magazine publishing; how it will grow, the revenue generation expected throughout the industry, and the time frames associated with these numbers.
These predictions are important, as they help publishers better prepare for the future. What’s more interesting, however, is discovering how people who are already consuming digital magazines are enjoying their experiences.
Throughout the year we page through several favorite yearly magazine industry and digital publishing research reports. The results in these reports provide a glimpse into the future of digital magazine consumption, usage, and other insights that will help you build a better digital magazine strategy.
If you’re looking to stay ahead of your competitors by following the digital magazine publishing trends like we do, here are some reports to keep your eyes on.
1. MPA’s Magazine Media 360 Factbook
The MPA describes the Factbook as “one of the most widely sourced and relied upon tools in our industry for both print and digital magazines. The Factbook features noteworthy research, useful statistics, and compelling facts that articulate how magazine media is unique and its effectiveness compared to other media.”
The Alliance for Audited Media publishes this free quarterly report which measures magazine audiences across multiple platforms and formats—print and digital editions, desktop, mobile websites, and video—to provide a 360° picture of magazine media reach.
3. Alliance for Audited Media’s Magazine Snapshot
Additionally, twice a year, the Alliance for Audited Media releases a (paid member-only)Snapshot report detailing the circulation numbers of every magazine that reports in. The resulting information tells publishers how sales and subscriptions are faring – including which magazines are increasing digital magazine subscriptions. That is, any who report their digital circulation numbers. This report is often reported on by the MPA and other industry news sources.
4. IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report
Every year, IAB releases this report on internet advertising. It includes data about Internet advertising revenue from web, email, online services and anyone who sells online advertising, including digital magazines. According to IAB, “the results reported are considered the most accurate measurement of Internet/online advertising revenues since the data is compiled directly from information supplied by companies selling advertising online.”
5. Pew’s State of the News Media
An annual report by Pew describes their endeavor as “examining the landscape of American journalism.” It encompasses multiple reports covering revenue, digital reporting, acquisitions, media trends like digital video, and more for the news industry like newspapers, digital magazines, and other sources.
6. CMI’s Content Marketing Report
The Content Marketing Institute releases benchmarks, budgets, and trends in two separate annual reports – one for B2B companies and one for B2C. Although this isn’t publisher-specific, their insights apply to all industries.
7. HubSpot’s The State of Marketing
HubSpot says this annual report is “more than survey data,” but it really focuses on what online publishers are doing to drive traffic. Focuses are content, SEO, and social media.
8. Social Media Examiner’s Social Media Marketing Industry Report
Michael Stelzner’s annual report focuses specifically on social media and the current trends that are launching brands forward or backward. You can see which platforms are worthy of expanding into without needing to test them all out for yourself.
9. Moz Google Algorithm Change History
This HTML-based “report” is accessible all year long and is constantly updated with the latest Google Algorithm updates. This is particularly useful for digital magazine publishers because as you watch your own analytics you can compare and see which algorithm updates may have impacted your highs and lows.
10. Google’s The Year In Search
If you want to know which topics and niches grew most during the year, Google’s “Year in Search” covers all of that.
What other reports do you read as a digital magazine publisher? Leave a comment below to share!
Editor’s note: This article was originally published in 2017 and is updated frequently.
Thanks for mentioning AAM’s Snapshot report. We also publish Magazine Media 360°–a free quarterly report that measures magazine audiences across multiple platforms and formats—print and digital editions, desktop and mobile websites, and video—to provide a 360° picture of magazine media reach. Learn more and download at: https://auditedmedia.com/analysis-and-training/magazine-audience-reports
I am interested in any information available about the number of people who download digital magazines/editions for later reading? As a content producer and marketer what I think about customers who have made the choice to read a digital publication are interested in the content but perhaps not interested enough to download the publication for later reading. Is there any data on this next step in reader engagement?
Sorry for the typos in my previous post
I meant to say that I’m looking for information on how digital magazine publishing has effected the freelance writing market? I’m especially interested in knowing whether digital publications are paying freelance writers at a rate comparable to what print magazines pay for articles?
Interesting article. The “stats” certainly tend to verify a move to the digital format. I’m not surprised that 48% of people reported reading fewer copies of print magazines.
I’m a freelance writer and I’m wondering whether anyone knows where I can find information on how digital magazine publishing had effected the freelance writing market? I’m especially interested in knowing whether digital (solely) publications generally have the same scale for articles, as print magazines? To date, I haven’t found any ststs on this, for either Canada or the United States.