Publishers, learn to make one of the most important decisions associated with bringing your content online
Choosing a content management system can be a daunting process, especially for traditional print publishers who are unfamiliar with the terrain.
It’s this exact reason that we incorporate a section on choosing your content management system in our Mequoda Bootcamp.
With the comprehensive business structures that exist in today’s online environment, we recommend online publishers consider open-source content management systems. Open-source systems have proven easier to use for a variety of professionals, especially those who aren’t particularly skilled with HTML.
Beyond user-friendliness, open-source content management systems like WordPress have a large community of support with a wide array of developers, many of which design plug-ins to help automate your workload. These systems are also designed with search engines in mind, so Google has an easier time finding and ranking your content.
For a discussion on your options for content management systems, including open-source and custom systems, join us at the Mequoda Bootcamp in New York City.