A new feature from Google aims to fix headaches associated with cluttered inboxes
Cluttered inboxes are nothing new to email users, but Google is now attempting to help clean up the issues with their Priority Inbox, which is currently being tested in beta.
Nick Bilton of The New York Times Technology section reported on the new Google feature that is designed to monitor and organize an email inbox by focusing on specific criteria.
According to the article, Priority Inbox helps to organize an inbox by splitting it into three sections: “important and unread,” “starred” and “everything else”.
Email received from senders that have a history of correspondence is also a criterion that the Priority Inbox monitors.
Google isn’t the only company to work on inbox solutions. As these types of software continue to be developed, one must wonder how it will affect online publishers and content marketers. If recipients of email newsletters aren’t responding directly to email messages, will this drop the priority of their content?
It will be even more important to online publishers to forge relationships with their audiences to stop email open rates and email conversion rates from dropping.
It may also help to engage the audience more directly from now on. Ask the audience to comment, share their experiences and hold some common ground with the publisher.
For more on Google’s Priority Inbox, read the original article from The New York Times.
Google wont give up ,very active company