Twitter Tips to Keep Your Audience Engaged

7 ways to reach your Twitter potential

What does your Twitter strategy consist of?

I’d imagine you are at least tweeting the title of each article you publish and adding a link to the content. Doing so is a great way to build your audience based on the topics you cover. However, our research has shown that using interesting quotes, tips or facts from within the article is more effective than headlines.

Let’s take a look at some other popular strategies for engaging your audience on Twitter.

Five Twitter tips

Tweeting at live events: What’s a better way to meet people at an industry event? If you’re at a trade show, conference or other industry event, you can create live tweets to make connections with other attendees. Live tweets also help to keep your audience informed if they cannot be at the live event.

Tweeting after business hours: It’s easy to stay engaged with Twitter during the workday. However, as many online publishers have experienced, our website traffic usually dips during the evening hours. Sending tweets after the workday may help keep audience members engaged.


Curating and aggregating content: Do you share tweets that point to content from other members of your industry? Doing so can show how useful of a publisher, editor or journalist you are. While doing so, add more value by giving additional insight or by asking questions. Remember, it’s important to only curate content that is valuable to your audience.

Creating Contests for Twitter: An exciting contest will get your Twitter followers talking, and tweeting. Take advantage of this and do it in a creative way.

Using Hashtags in Relevant Tweets: This is yet another way of building engagement around a specific topic. Make sure you don’t dilute the value of hashtags by using them too often in irrelevant manners.

Two more Twitter tips

Find more people: Use to find people talking about topics relevant to your business. It’ll help your build a larger follower base.

Use Twitter for public relations: As online publishers and content marketers continue to engage in social media, it’s important to remember that it’s a delicate medium. Don’t just use Twitter to share your content or market products. Use it to let your audience members know that you are a real person.

For instance, let’s imagine you sent out an email to the wrong list of people. I am using this as an example because I’ve done it before. I personally felt horrible about it, but at the time, I wasn’t active on Twitter. If I was, I could have used Twitter to apologize to my audience in real time.

Twitter is for human interaction, and as humans, we all make mistakes. Use Twitter to show your human-side when it makes sense.

Do you have any additional Twitter tips to share? I’d love to see them, and I’m sure everyone else actively engaging on Twitter would appreciate it as well.

This information was originally adopted from a post by Ron Mwangaguhunga at eMedia Vitals. Thanks for sharing this great article with the community.

Originally posted on 3/15/2012


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