Turn Social Media into a Top Source of Website Traffic

Take social media users and turn them into your biggest source of online traffic and audience development

Social media traffic is the easiest source of traffic there is—once you have a network. For Mequoda, it quickly turned into our #2 source of traffic, next to Google. That beat traffic coming in from our email lists, which is pretty significant.

We’ve talked to, analyzed and nitpicked dozens of online publishers and content marketers who have been using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube for product promotion, contests, user feedback, customer service and lead generation.

If you think that building and maintaining a social media list is difficult, consider this quote from David Berlind at ZDNet: “Publishing one-liners takes only as long as it takes to type the one-liner. Subscribing to a source of one-liners the way an investor might subscribe to Bloomberg’s information services takes only seconds as well.”

The time to learn, implement and execute upon a social media and content marketing strategy is now. You do not want to wait until your biggest competitors have adapted a successful social media strategy, or you will be left behind.

If you’d like to train your staff on the best practices in social media, or would like to schedule a WebEx that addresses questions specific to your online publishing company, please contact Kim Mateus, via email or phone (401) 293-0401.



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