Why a Google Knol may still offer an unfair advantage over search engine results and how you can get a piece of that pie
Although Google says that Knols get no preferential treatment in search engine ranks, Search Engine News claims that they’ve seen dozens of Knols that rank on page one in Google for a variety of terms, even though the pages have only been live for a couple of months. Example: How to Backpack.
Search Engine News notes that “Although these aren’t exactly high-traffic keywords, each of them illustrates that it is indeed possible to rank a Knol at or near the top of Google for very specific keyword queries. Even better is the fact that Knols offer you a platform upon which you can shamelessly, without risk of penalty, promote your own website!”
In fact, many Google Knols do not implement nofollow tags and their content policy says: “You may use Knol to create articles for your business or to promote your lawful products or services.”
10 Tips for Creating a Great Google Knol
While there is tons more to be had in the original article in Search Engine News, they offer these ten tips for creating a great Google Knol that we wanted to share with you.
- Throw in a Hook — You have, on average, only four seconds to grab someone’s interest in your Knol. Be sure to use benefit-oriented headings, sub-headings as you address the wants of your target Knol audience. Consider making it controversial or thought provoking. Add quotes from related content and write something you yourself would want to read.
- Keyword Optimize Your Title — The most important ranking factor in a Knol is the title. If you’re writing a Knol on gardening, make sure Gardening is the first keyword in the title.
- Optimize your Content — Just like any webpage, be sure to optimize your content by placing your most important keywords and links at the beginning, or top, of your Knol. Include targeted keywords throughout your Knol and link to your own web pages (in moderation) by using keyword-rich anchor text.
- Educate the Reader — You should be an expert on the Knol you are presenting. Be sure to furnish detailed information on the subject, present multiple viewpoints on the issue or topic, and listen to your community’s editing suggestions. The most successful Knols are frequently authored by persons who aren’t afraid to include the content that’s offered up by their community readership.
- Add New Yorker Cartoons — Google Knol has a special arrangement with The New Yorker magazine, allowing all Knol users to add one cartoon of their choice, free of charge, within their Knols. Take advantage of this feature to add comic relief to your Knol.
- Don’t use Slang — Like Wikipedia, Knol strives to be an authoritative online repository of specialized knowledge. Therefore, to gain Google’s dofollow favor Search Engine News suggests a somewhat formal, educated writing nuance. Be professional and avoid the use of sarcastic, caustic, shocking or expletive language in your Knols.
- Proofread your Knol — Run your Knol through a spellchecker and have a third party proofread it. Already there are several hundred Knols with obvious spelling errors that have yet to be corrected. Even worse, some Knols have community comments informing the author of the errors—yet they haven’t been fixed. If you present yourself as an expert, be prepared to look like one in every facet of your Knol. This includes grammar and spelling as well as content.
- Update your Knol — A good Knol is constantly kept fresh. It stays abreast of the latest information and relevant developments. The best way to engage your community is to prove you are listening by updating your Knol when it is appropriate to incorporate your readers’ suggestions. This will only grow your audience.
- Don’t be Spammy — Knol is not a personal blog. Your Knol should provide real-world content, presented in a professional way that is free of sales pitches and teasers.
- Use Visual Aids — Aside from the New Yorker Cartoons, Google Knol encourages authors to embed visual aids in their Knols. Whenever relevant to your topic, be sure to add videos, calendars, images, spreadsheets, charts, and graphs to make your Knol more understandable, valuable and appealing to your community of readers.
Have you written any Google Knols? What have been your results?
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Thanks for the Knol tips!