The Power of ‘Welcome’ Emails

Some impressive stats for marketers to utilize

Starting points of relationships are incredibly crucial. Getting off on the right foot can mean the difference between trust and a lack thereof.

How can relationships be started in the most appropriate manner on the Internet? Recent statistics show that welcome emails have a lot of success in the relationship-building department.

According to a report from Experian Marketing Services, welcome emails experience open rates that are almost four times higher than promotional emails. They also see click rates of 14.4%, compared to an average for bulk mailings of 2.7%.

Welcome emails with an offer experienced higher revenue generation as well. On average, welcome emails that contained an offer and were sent out as soon as the subscription began generated $6.89 dollars per email. These are referred to as “real-time welcomes”. Bulk welcomes, which were sent out to all new subscribers weekly experienced a much lower rate of revenue generation, which was $0.78 per email.

Our suggestion: Always include a product in a welcome email, but be carefully about how you promote it. Don’t be overbearing or you might harm the relationship. Also, send welcome emails in real time because it is more personal and buyers will be more apt to purchase when the subscription is on their mind.

For more on these statistics, check out the eMarketer article, which includes some interesting graphs.



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