The Integration of Social Media Marketing

How the Social Media Marketing Workshop at the Mequoda Summit West 2011 goes beyond typical social media courses

Recently I taught in London at FIPP’s Digital Publishing Course. Towards the end of the week-long course someone said to me, “I didn’t see social media in the curriculum for this course.”

After hearing that statement, Kim and I looked at each other. If we said Twitter once, we said it 20 times over the last four days.

Rest assured that although a social media session wasn’t explicitly listed in the London brochure, the content was there, baked into many parts of the program.

For instance, when discussing SEO and headline writing, we discussed Twitter. As publishers are residing in a blog-centric world, Twitter and Facebook are part of the greater equation.

This bigger picture comes to life when you attend the Social Media Marketing Workshop on Friday, April 8th of the Mequoda Summit West 2011.

If you plan on attending this engaging, half-day workshop taught by Amanda MacArthur and myself, don’t be surprised that we start with integration, as it’s a nexus for social media. During this section of the workshop you will learn how to get social media networks working with applications in alignment with your website for a more efficient and productive social media workflow.

Next we will discuss blogging and then take a formal deep dive into Twitter. You will learn how to write an effective marketing tweet and discover valuable conversations happening within Twitter while building a bigger online audience and influencing sales.


Mequoda Summits are always about the bigger picture.

One of the reasons you come to the Summit is the concept of organic media integration.

Our strategy isn’t about trying to learn SEO, Twitter or blogging separately – the main point is to take your high quality content and leverage it over as many platforms as you can. This includes social media, blogging and online PR.

Some of these are editorial efforts, while others are audience development efforts. However, the overall package of an integrated organic media strategy is greater than the sum of its parts. This is the same unpaid, strategic use of your content and expertise that will help increase your website traffic, build an audience of engaged consumers and lead to more revenue generation.

We have updated the agenda for the Social Media Marketing Workshop and it will be introduced at the Mequoda Summit West 2011.

This workshop won’t be the only session about SEO, blogging and Twitter. These topics will permeate the entire summit. Have you registered yet?


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