Social Media Strategy: What Women Share

According to a new Nielsen study, women like sharing online video, especially funny or entertaining ones

Apparently, women between 25 and 44 have very similar priorities. We are viewing and sharing digital information in the following categories throughout the day:

Updates – informational (news, weather and stocks) and personal (social media sites like Facebook and Twitter)

Inspiration or Comfort – stress relief (anything cute, funny or entertaining)

Shopping – “window” shopping and purchasing

“I think it’s only fair that there be advertising online. As we increasingly move toward finding the bulk of our entertainment there, products, services and companies need a way to reach consumers. I don’t mind the commercials because they are few and tend to be fairly entertaining themselves. A well-crafted commercial can be a thing of beauty and I am a very susceptible target for anything new that looks cool or at least has some great packaging.” – 27 year old, single respondent

An interesting find about shopping was that it’s considered entertainment. The women in this study were actually sharing commercials they found amusing. Many, like the respondent quoted above, stated that they actually expect to see online advertising along with their free content and are very open to viewing and sharing such advertising with their friends and family.


The Take Away

There was a 50% increase in streamed videos on social media sites this year over last year, with women consuming and sharing more than men. Also noted, for most women, links sent by a friend have higher value, since they are considered a trusted source.

Since women are the primary household purchaser, brands need to reach this audience through social media. Your social media strategy needs to be creative and entertaining to grab their attention. Using online video can be a great way to engage women.


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