Social Media Isn’t Just for People Anymore

Meet Eater is a plant that thrives off social interaction

This story intrigued me: A plant that thrives off social media. It’s an environmental art installation that was created to re-establish the connection between humans and plants; a topic we all should pay more attention to.

According to the article, the plants receive water and nutrients based on the interactions they have with people with Facebook. The creator, Bashkim Isai, believes this will make the garden seem as a living “creature” and not just an “object”. A very interesting concept, as it’s easy to forget there are living beings behind the images and stories found online.

The Internet is an amazing device for finding information and making connections with like-minded individuals. However, the true “natural” feel is often lost in cyber space. Social media has helped to reconnect people, and now maybe it will make people think about their environment and surroundings a bit more. There is a big world beyond the massive digital world, one worth appreciating.

Read more on Meet Eater and please share your thoughts on this interesting experiment taking place in Brisbane, Australia.



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