Only 5 Seats Remain for the Audience Development Summit

Register now to join an elite group of publishers, CEOs, content marketers and editors as we teach how to build online audiences

If you don’t take your organization to the next digital level right now, it may be too late.

With new media options developing almost daily, and consumers demanding change, you must reach these consumers, develop relationships with them, and drive their attention to your body of content and the premium products you offer.

Your job is to reach these consumers, develop relationships with them, and turn their attention to your body of content and the premium products you offer.

The Audience Development Summit teaches you exactly how to do it all, and with only five seats remaining, you must secure your place at the Audience Development Summit now. These seats will not last and we’re expecting this email reminder to spur the final sales.

Seats are nearly sold out because this advanced program includes the best-of-the-best from the online publishing and content marketing industries. You’ll learn proven methods and advanced strategies with the aid of case studies and first-hand experiences. You’ll learn through proven activities that have been successful in building and sustaining online audiences.

Many attendees already signed up for the Audience Development Summit have attended in the past. They’re coming again because they recognize the value of the programming and want the latest updates on the information needed to run their business.

Highly respected content providers like Rodale, Meredith, Interweave, Farm Progress and the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School have all aligned themselves with Mequoda Group’s strategies because they’ve seen positive results.

Join us, and an elite class of online content marketers and publishers, at the Audience Development Summit. We’ll teach you how to drive the most website traffic, attract more conversions, build a larger digital audience and generate more revenue with your online business.

There are two weeks until the Summit but seats will not last that long. We expect to sell the remaining seats by the end of the day. If you want to be among the industry’s best and brightest, you must reserve your place at the Audience Development Summit now.


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