Our top-read audience development posts of last year show an interest in subject lines and the power of email newsletters.
Despite the rise of social networks, most publishers we know still get the majority of their traffic from organic traffic and email. That’s why it’s no surprise that our most-read posts on the Mequoda Daily this year included advice on how to send better emails, design better email newsletters, and improve open rates.
1. The 17 Best Email Subject Lines for Increasing Open Rates [+ Video]
Discover the carefully guarded source of the world’s most effective email subject lines that most professional copywriters don’t like to share.
2. The Best Paid and Free Press Release Sites
Our list of the best paid and free press release websites to submit your press releases for maximum SEO and traffic opportunities.
3. Subject Line Spam Trigger Words
Email subject lines are just one part of the email delivery equation. Emails are delivered to inboxes based on subject lines, content, and reputation. In some cases, engagement is even applied to this filter — but please put this list of spam trigger words and no-nos next to your desk
4. 13 Examples of Professional Email Subject Lines
A comprehensive list of professional email subject line archetypes for selling business products — plus a challenge!
5. Your Introduction Email Subject Line is Critical
When you’re about to launch a relationship with new customers, email subject lines are important and the subject line for the introduction email is the first time you get to try to impress them.
6. 25 Email Design Best Practices for Publishers for Mobile and Desktop
It’s been reported that the average email user spends an average of 51 seconds reading each email newsletter. If this average sounds familiar, you must develop a way to maximize your email’s ability to connect with your audience. Here are 25 email design best practices to encourage sharing, reading and engaging.
7. 58 Online Copywriting Power Words & Phrases
Today’s multiplatform publishing requires online copywriting skills that borrow from the print world, but also address larger issues.
8. Email Footer Examples and Best Practices for Keeping Readers Happy
In addition to abiding by CAN SPAM laws, having a footer resonates with the email recipient because it gives them a way to communicate with your brand, manage their subscription or opt out of your list if they choose. Giving these options makes your email newsletter and email spotlights more reputable.
9. The Best Audience Development Job Description We’ve Seen
Audience development personnel have a very specific, and incredibly important job, within an organization. Finding the right audience development staff can mean the difference between thousands of email subscribers and tens of thousands of dollars in additional revenue.
10. 5 Email Newsletter Best Practices You Can Fix Today
Even though email newsletters have been around for years, they are still valuable for digital publishers. They are often a publisher’s largest revenue channel.