What’s one way to make it perfectly effortless for the social-savvy users of the universe to comment on your blog? By making it Facebook-friendly of course! All cheesiness aside, this is just one strategy that news websites are beginning to use to jump on the social bandwagon, if it’s even considered a bandwagon anymore.
There are several plugins for WordPress that allow people to comment on your blog using their Facebook profile, but not all of them are entirely beneficial to the business who’s publishing the content.
Simple Facebook Connect is a newer plugin for WordPress, but it’s also the most recently updated and has a 4/5 star rating, which isn’t bad for 136 reviews. What makes this plugin better for business than the others is that it captures registration information from those who choose to log-in to your site using the plugin.
Here’s where it gets even more valuable though, and this is something that those other plugins also do. If you want to allow people to comment on your site with their Facebook accounts, it means that people can post their comments (along with your article) to their Facebook page.
The more likes the post gets on their page, the more likes your article gets. And we know that the more likes and comments an article gets on Facebook, the better its SEO rank is. A win-win all around.
If you’d like to have access to an array of plug-ins, including basic and premium plug-ins – some of which have been created exclusively for Mequoda Systems – contact Kim Mateus via email or 401-293-0401 for consulting options.
Dear Kim,
I’ve been trying to figure out this whole FB thing for some time and have just been too apprehensive as to not P.O. my friend list. Thanks for this info and feel free to send me the other resources you mentioned.
I’ve followed this newsletter since I started at this about a year and a half ago. Although, I have not been successful yet; the info provided here will prove to be an asset eventually for me.
Thank you,