People relevant to your niche are who you should be following
If you were asked to find 10 people you know on Twitter, find 10 companies you admire, find 10 competitors, and find 10 new people relevant to your brand, how would you do it?
Better yet, how would you contact these people? What would you say to them in a direct tweet?
Finding target audience members is ideal for Twitter users. Turning those people into followers is the other step in the equation. Following some of them might work, but what else could you do to attract the attention of the right people?
These hypothetical questions make up part of the assignment for one of the 12 lessons in our Twitter for Online Editors Master Class. This session helps users understand and make use of different search algorithms and filters so you can use Twitter Search to find the best people for your publication.
If you were completely stumped by these questions, taking part in Twitter for Online Editors is right for you. To learn more about this one-on-one WebEx program, contact Kim Mateus via email or by phone at 401-293-0401.