Email Copywriting Tips for Digital Publishers

How successful are your email copywriting techniques?

People receive a lot of email. If your email newsletter or promotional piece is included among the dozens (or hundreds) of emails in someone’s inbox, what guarantees it will get opened? And if it does, will the email be read, or just skimmed? Will the email recipient reach your call to action?

Email copywriters are constantly fighting these realities. If you fall into the category of struggling with email copywriting, try following these email copywriting tips.


Tips for email copywriting success

-Offer a quick, easy tip on doing something: Your email recipients need a reason to open your email newsletters each day. If they recognize your brand as a provider of helpful information, they will be more apt to open in the future.

-Identify what interests your readers: Analyzing site data can help determine the content that is attractive to your readers. Asking through surveys and social media is another great way to learn about the topics your audience wants covered. After addressing the areas of interest, provide beneficial information and solutions to problems they may have.

-Share newsworthy information: One reason our audience members continuously read the content we publish at the Mequoda Daily is because we often share updated information on statistics and strategies. Timeliness is often important, so audience members appreciate receiving breaking news.

-Arouse curiosity: What gets readers to fully read articles? Arousing curiosity around the content you cover is one way. Follow the previous suggestions and keep your audience curious until the end.

What do you think of these email copywriting tips? Will you try them while crafting your next email promotion? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.


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