5 Considerations for Writing Text Ads

Bring in more revenue with strong text ads

There is an art to writing text ads. This is so for a couple different reasons.

First, text ads should align with your content. Alignment between what you are writing and what you are selling will increase relevancy for your readers. If your content is strong and informative, the alignment will help demonstrate the value behind the product.

Second, text ads have to quickly get to the point, describe the product or show how it will help the consumer and display a blatant call to action. This is especially true if you are using Google AdWords since there are character limitations.

This makes writing text ads a job for truly skilled copywriters; or any writer or editor who has been trained to be a talented copywriter.

This post focuses specifically on writing text ads for Google AdWords.


Five components of writing text ads for Google AdWords

Component #1: The text ad is the only part of an account that is shown to a searcher. This means that the text ad has to fulfill its job in getting searchers to click on the ad and proceed to the advertiser’s website. Each text ad has to adhere to the character limitations while intriguing the searcher enough to click.

Component #2: Why are you unique? Chances are, you will have competition on your text ads. Your brief message has to show searchers why you are unique. You may want to take a look at text ads competing with your content so you can decipher how to word your ad so it is different and unique, while still communicating effectively.

Component #3: Use topical-based language. Most industries have specific jargon that would only be understood by members of that audience; people who have been knowledgeable of the industry for some time. Make sure your ads don’t include this type of jargon because it will likely dissuade new audience members from clicking on the ad due to a lack of industry understanding.

Component #4: Use proper spelling. This component should be a no-brainer, but it’s worth emphasizing. Not only will text ads with misspellings reflect negatively on your company to thousands of impressions, but Google may also reject the ad itself. This of course will prove to be a waste of your time and money.

Component #5: Title casing. The manner in which you present your ad is important as well. If you are selling products to younger generations, using a capital letter at the beginning of each word may be more acceptable to them then doing so to an older generation, or when you’re working with B2B clients. For these audiences, the standard paragraph casing may appear to be more professional.

There are a number of nuances within the world of writing text ads that may increase or decrease your click-through rate and conversion rate. Having these five components as part of your focus will likely help improve campaigns overall.

Are you currently writing text ads for Google AdWords? If so, I’m sure you realize the potential there is with this advertising network. Do you know the best ways of writing text ads? Are you seeing the conversions and click-through rates you expect? If not, join us for our Writing Killer Text Ads webinar on November 23rd so you can pick up some helpful tips for writing better text ads.


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