3 To-Do’s for Welcoming New Email Subscribers

Before you start sending email newsletters to your new subscribers, first acquaint them with the content they’ll be receiving

Your job isn’t done once someone has signed up for your email newsletter. Before you start sending them email newsletters, but after you’ve taken their email address, you need to qualify them and then make them happy that they’ve joined their list.

In order to complete all of these steps, we’ve provided you with an outline.

1. Require double opt-in.

Of 100 people who sign up for your free email newsletter, about 75 percent will double opt-in.

Research indicates that the email subscribers who double opt-in have a 17 percent greater lifetime value simply because they double opt-in. The act of getting them to open their email client to look for the confirming email and respond — before they can download your free report — causes those who double opt-in to be worth 17 percent more in customer lifetime value.

Additionally, by using the double opt-in process, you’ve managed to get many of them to white list you with their email provider — another good outcome.


2. Send the welcome email.

Remind your new subscribers that they signed up for your email newsletter. Thank them for signing up, remind them how often they’ll receive emails from you, and make it personal. The welcome letter should use the subscriber’s name and might point to helpful sections of your site.

3. Upsell to a paid product in your welcome email.

While you have your new email subscriber’s attention, don’t waste the opportunity. Within your welcome email letter, in the right navigation or at the bottom, provide a text ad or small display advertisement for a related, best-selling, paid product.

The point of this email is not to sell a product, so it shouldn’t be the topic of your welcome letter. A casual mention should suffice. Remember, this is the new subscriber’s first interaction with you, so make a good impression.

By following these steps, you should have a higher initial retention rate of new subscribers. Whether they stay after the first official email newsletter is up to you and the content you provide.


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