If you haven’t realized it by now, there are ways to develop guidelines for your social media programs that focus on company policy and analysis. For some companies who were looking for that type of information before allocating too much time to social media, here are a few articles, which can provide some assistance.
The first article comes from Mashable, and highlights 11 social media tips that have been adopted by the public sector. These tips can help any organization decipher the rules they want mandatory throughout all departments. As an example, here is one of the tips listed in the Mashable article:
“The workload and decision responsibilities need to be assigned and distributed among a social media ringmaster, content creators and curators, account administrators, and content providers with expert knowledge about issues.”
The next article comes from SocialBarrel and provides insight on using analytics to track your social media results. Much of the information in this article pertains to Google’s social tracking suite, which can be found in the social value report in analytics. Learn more about this process by reading this from SocialBarrel.
Lastly, a recent article from Amanda MacArthur for the Mequoda Daily shares 10 social media tips that can be used today to increase shares, retweets and direct website traffic. We have used many of these social media strategies and have been pleased with the results.
Do you have any other social media tips to share? Please add your insights to the comments below.