3 Reasons Why Good Email Copywriting Could Still Use a Little Keyword Research

Good email copywriting still needs to persuade the reader with the lingo they use internally

I know what you’re thinking: Keyword research and SEO has no place in email marketing, where the words may never even see your website. You’re right about half of that statement, because SEO won’t necessarily do you a bit of good. However, keyword research isn’t just for getting found, it’s also for getting opened, and here’s why:

Keywords = Good Copywriting Tip #1: Let keywords define your lingo.

So you think you know what people want? Wrong. Your intuition and market trends are great, but to really find out what people want to know, you have to do a little keyword research. When you find keyword phrases that have tons of search volume, you can use them to define how you can structure your headlines in a way that people are already looking for.

If you were telling people they could “save $50 off $100” and you found out that tons more people were looking up how to “save 50%”, wouldn’t you change your promotion? This works the same way. Say the same thing, but in their language.


Keywords = Good Copywriting Tip #2: Ignore the competition.

What’s nice about doing keyword research for something that will never see your website, is that you can use the most competitive terms out there, without worrying how many other pages you need to compete with. Instead, you can just say, “OK, 100,000 people are looking for ‘dog training techniques’ and only 25 people are searching for ‘train your dog’, or something like that. You can choose the 100,000 people, because you’re not competing for rank.

Keywords – Good Copywriting Tip #3:Use what you’ve got.

In a lot of cases, you may need to do some fresh keyword research, depending on the topic. However, you can probably use your existing SEO research to find phrases that would work better for headlines, subheads and in your email copy.


    Some good advice I would have not thought of what you said about letting my keywords be the voice of my email copy and headlines.


      Hi Fran,

      We are glad this article was helpful.



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