3 Core Goals from Audience Development Analytics

How do you reach your audience development goals?

It’s not difficult to understand the point of audience development. It is pretty explanatory. The actual processes and the reporting methods may be a bit harder to understand and act on.

It especially hard to get a grasp on an actionable audience development strategy with all the changes that take place online. Pinterest, for example, turned into a valuable audience development tool for some brands and publishers in a fairly short time.

After you have your organic audience development strategy planned, you should ask yourself how you will monitor your results and track the success of your audience development campaigns.


With a comprehensive audience development reporting and analytics program, you should be able to monitor the following goals:

#1: You will know which content is the most valuable. You should be able to report on the most popular content you have, including articles. They should be monitored by visits, page per visit, percent of new visitors, percent of returning visitors, time on site, the annual impressions and the Google rank.

#2: Know where you are losing ground. Your audience development analytics package should show you which articles, categories, and topics have lost traction online. This includes decreases in traffic, time on site, and annual impressions.

#3: Plan for the future. A good audience development analytics program will have so much data that it will help you plan based on the content that receives the most engagement.

How’s your audience development program’s analytics? If you need an upgrade, take a look at our Audience Development Analytics Suite.


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