Do you want to know how to find your top trafficked posts, and improve them in ways that will help them drive more traffic, and convert more visitors?
If your answer is yes, or even “heck yes,” on December 9 at 1pm ET, we are hosting a FREE webinar, 21 Steps for Mastering the Mequoda SEO Scorecard. In this webinar, we’ll walk you through our system to finding and optimizing your top-trafficked blockbuster posts, as well as the methodology for creating new ones. We’re giving the whole process away for free during this 90-minute webinar, with plenty of room at the end for questions. And yes, if you want us to do it for you and clean up your top-trafficked posts, we can talk more about that after the webinar.
When you join us 21 Steps for Mastering the Mequoda SEO Scorecard, you’ll learn about an organization whose adoption of the Mequoda SEO Scorecard and our approach to Blockbuster Content Management increased their organic search engine arrivals by 4X in 4 years, growing from an average of 32K arrivals a month to 129K arrivals a month! We’ll show you exactly how they did it, and will teach you the principles of best-practice blockbuster management so that your organization can achieve similar results.
In addition to what we expect to be a lively Q&A, during this 90-minute webinar, 21 Steps for Mastering the Mequoda SEO Scorecard, you’ll:
- Discover how to get more from your top-ranked posts that are already driving traffic to your site
- Learn the ways you can transform your worse-performing articles into blockbuster posts that drive visitors to your site for years to come
- Discover how to apply the methodology to your new content, including how to research keywords, and how that research will help you determine post topics that align with what people are searching for
- Get the scorecard that our partners are using to create content that’s not only increasing their search engine traffic but perhaps, more importantly, their email capture rates
Since this webinar is free, and we’re all craving a little shop talk, we expect it to fill up, so register now to guarantee your seat.
At the end of the webinar, you’ll get a chance to talk to me directly, along with our Communications Director Amanda MacArthur, and ask all of your burning questions about the case study we’ll share, and how you can get the same results.

As Mequoda’s Chief Strategy Officer, and as an experienced marketing professional who has overseen strategic planning for many of Mequoda’s publishing partners, I have guided the development of more than 20 subscription and digital marketing systems. My team and I monitor and maintain a robust best-practices database of marketing techniques and business processes that helps power all Mequoda partner programs.

Amanda is Mequoda’s Communications Director and resident expert on search engine optimization, social media optimization, and content marketing. Amanda and her team generate content for dozens of websites including the newly launched Financial Freedom Daily, Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, and our own Mequoda Daily. Amanda’s content optimization programs have been responsible for doubling, and sometimes tripling organic website traffic for dozens of our client systems over the past decade.
I know what you’re thinking: What’s the catch? or Where’s the sales pitch? Other than genuinely looking forward to this conversation with you, our goal at Mequoda is to give you all the tools necessary to succeed. It’s why we have been sharing our entire business model and best practices five days a week through the Mequoda Daily. Plus, as I mentioned, it’s nice to get together and talk shop after being cooped up all these months!
We hope you’ll find that this 90-minute free webinar marks a turning point in how you look at your blockbuster posts, and that you walk away with a notebook full of ideas you can start testing immediately.
And if you decide to take the next step and let us help you accomplish your new goals, we’ll be happy to talk with you after the call. But for now, all you have to do is register today and we’ll give you a whole bag of ideas that you can start implementing right away, on your own, if you choose.
Register today so you don’t miss out on this event, and please pass this along to colleagues and any friends in the industry who may benefit from this webinar.
Amanda and I look forward to meeting with you and answering your questions at the end of the webinar and to help you relate our methodology to your organization, mission, and goals.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!